Testing With Selenium Certification Training

Selenium Certification Training

OL Tech Edu's Selenium Certification Training will help you in mastering the various concepts of Selenium from scratch. This Selenium Training will help you master important concepts such as TestNG, Selenium IDE, Selenium Grid, XPath and Waits, IFrames and Alerts in Selenium WebDriver, POM Frameworks and so on. This Selenium Certification Training is also a gateway towards your Automation testing career. The course has been curated by industry experts.

Different OS, different programming languages which makes Selenium most desired automation testing tool.

Software Testing market is expected to sky rise at 11 percent of CAGR in next 3 years - CA .

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Testing With Selenium UpComing Batches

Oct-16 - Nov-27


Timings: 07:00 AM To 10:00 AM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Oct-09 - Nov-20


Timings: 20:30 PM To 23:30 PM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Oct-26 - Dec-07


Timings: 07:00 AM To 10:00 AM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Nov-02 - Dec-14


Timings: 20:30 PM To 23:30 PM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Nov-09 - Dec-21


Timings: 07:00 AM To 10:00 AM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Nov-16 - Dec-28


Timings: 20:30 PM To 23:30 PM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now
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Course Curriculum

Selenium Certification Training


OL Tech Edu's Selenium Certification Training will help you in mastering the various concepts of Selenium from scratch. This Selenium Training will help you master important concepts such as TestNG, Selenium IDE, Selenium Grid, XPath and Waits, IFrames and Alerts in Selenium WebDriver, POM Frameworks and so on. This Selenium Certification Training is also a gateway towards your Automation testing career. The course has been curated by industry experts.

  • WEEK 5-6
  • 10 Modules
  • 6 Hours
Testing With Selenium Certification Training Will Help

Learning Objectives: In this module, you will learn about different type of applications and testing, along with the purpose of automation testing. You will also gain insight into the evolution of Selenium, get an overview of Selenium 3.3 and its components and compare commonly used automation tool with Selenium automation tools. Finally, set up your environment so that you can start working with Selenium. 


  • Define Application and Understand Different Types of Applications.
  • Define Testing and Know the Different Types of Testing.
  • Describe Manual Testing.
  • Describe Automation Testing: Test Automation, ROI in Automation & Framework.
  • Define Selenium.
  • Evolution of Selenium.
  • Components of Selenium Suite: Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium WebDriver & Selenium GRID.
  • Regression Testing.
  • Functional Testing.
  • Selenium Vs. Other Tools.
  • Role of Selenium in DevOps Lifecycle.
  • Set Up for Selenium.

Hands On/Demo:

  • Installing Java.
  • Configuring Eclipse for Selenium.

Learning Objective: In this module, you will learn about the Selenium WebDriver along with the basic concepts of JAVA programming. WebDriver is designed to provide a simpler, more concise programming interface in addition to addressing some limitations in the Selenium-RC API. Selenium-WebDriver was developed to better support dynamic web pages where elements of a page may change without the page itself being reloaded. In this module, you will explore the features and use of Selenium-WebDriver. 


  • Selenium WebDriver.
  • Selenium WebDriver Architecture.
  • Usage of gecko, IE, Chrome Browser Drivers.
  • Navigating to Web Applications.
  • Introduction to Web Elements
  • Operations on Web Elements.
  • Fire Bug Tool and Fire Path Tool.
  • Browser Driver Commands/ Methods/ Functions: Get, Navigate and  Find Element. 
  • Difference Between FindElement & FindElements.
  • Understand the Difference between Driver Close and Driver Quit.
  • Inspecting Elements in Mozilla, Chrome.
  • Locators: ID, Name, Class, Tag Name, Link Text,  Partial Link Text, CSS Selector, XPath.

Hands On/Demo:

  • Launching a Browser (Chrome and Firefox).
  • Navigating Web Applications.
  • Handling Different Locators.

Learning Objective: In this module, you will learn about XPath. XPath is designed to allow the navigation of XML documents, with the purpose of selecting individual elements, attributes, or some other part of an XML document for specific processing. You will also learn about Waits in Selenium. Waits are used to hold the web application for few seconds/minutes/hours. When web applications navigate from Page A to Page B then Selenium should wait till the browser loads Page B completely. 


  • What is XPath?
  • Types of XPath.
  • Handling Complex & Dynamic Web-elements in Selenium using XPath Functions: Contains (), Start-with (), Following Axes, Following Sibling Axes, Preceding Axes and Preceding Sibling Axes.
  • Selenium Functions.
  • What is Waits in Selenium?
  • Types of Waits: Explicit Wait, Fluent wait, Implicit Wait, PageLoadTimeout and SetScriptTimeout.
  • Explain Validation.
  • Define Browser Profiling.

Hands On/Demo:

  • XPath.
  • Handling Complex & Dynamic Elements in Selenium using XPath.
  • Waits.

Learning Objective: In this module, you will learn how to Handle different controls on a webpage. A web page that is embedded in another web page, or an HTML document embedded inside another HTML document is known as a “frame”. The “Iframe” is used to insert content from another source, such as an advertisement, into a Web page. In this module, you will learn about frames and other controls that are on a web page. 


  • Java Essentials.
  • IFrames using WebDriver Commands: By Index, By Name or ID and By Web Element.
  • Alerts in WebDriver: Simple Alert, Confirmation Alert, Prompt Alert.
  • Modal Dialog Boxes.
  • Testing Dropdown: SelectByVisibleText, SelectByIndex, SelectByValue.

Hands On/Demo:

  • IFrames.
  • Alerts.

Learning Objective: In this module, you will learn how to Handle more controls on a webpage, such as Hovering, Drag and Drop, switching between windows and so on. You will also learn about sending Email via Selenium WebDriver and Handling Keyboard Events.  


  • Java Essentials.
  • Methods in Window Handling: GetWindowHandleCommand, GetWindowHandlesCommand, SwitchToWindowCommand.
  • Switch Between Windows.
  • Explain how to Test whether all Links are Working on Webpage or not.
  • Sending Email Report using Selenium WebDriver and Eclipse.
  • Handle Keyboard Events.

Hands On/Demo:

  • lDropdown.
  • Window Handling.

Learning Objective: In this module, you will learn about TestNG. TestNG is an open source testing framework that provides more flexible and powerful tests with the help of Annotations, Grouping, Sequencing, and Parametering. In TestNG, HTML reports can be produced, Parallel testing can be performed, Test cases can be prioritized, and data Parametrization is possible. You will also learn about Cross Browser Testing to enable you to work with different browsers. 


  • Introduction to TestNG.
  • Advantages of TestNG.
  • Installing TestNG on Eclipse.
  • Rules to Write TestNG.
  • TestNG Features.
  • Annotations.
  • Grouping.
  • Sequencing: Prioritization and Dependency.
  • Enable/Disable a Test Case.
  • Parameterization: Using Xml File and DataProvider.
  • Parallel Testing & Cross Browser Testing.
  • TestNG Report: HTML Report, Console Report, XML Report.

Hands On/Demo:

  • Annotations.
  • Grouping.
  • Sequencing.
  • Parameterization.
  • Parallel Testing & Cross Browser Testing.
  • TestNG Report.

Learning Objective: In this module, you will learn about Introduction to Selenium Grid and Selenium IDE.


  • The Need of Selenium Grid.
  • What is Selenium Grid?
  • Architecture and RemoteWebDriver WorkFlow: Hub, Node.
  • Grid 1 vs Grid 2.
  • Setting-up Selenium Grid.
  • Designing Test Scripts for Grid : Using the DesiredCapabilites Object and Using the RemoteWebDriver Object.
  • Running a Sample Test Case on the Grid.
  • Introduction to Selenium-IDE and its Features.
  • Different Controls of Selenium IDE.
  • Creating a Test Case.
  • Recording a Test Case.
  • Executing a Test Case.
  • Command, Target and Value.
  • Selenese Commands.

Hands On/Demo:

  • Setting up Selenium Grid.
  • Writing Tests using Selenium Grid.

Learning Objective: In this module, you will learn about Page Object Model and Page Factory. It is a design pattern which is used to create Object Repository for Web UI Elements. Page Object Model includes Page classes, which finds the Web Elements of that Web Page and contains Page Methods that perform operations on those Web Elements. Page Factory is an optimized way to create Object Repository. 


  • Need for Page Object Modelling.
  • Page Classes.
  • Concept of Page Factory.

Hands On/Demo:

  • Implementation of POM: Without Page Factory and With Page Factory.

Learning Objective: In this module, you will learn about Frameworks. A framework is a basic structure of any environment whether testing or designing. Selenium offers flexibility to create a Testing Framework that can be reused. This module enables you to learn about Testing frameworks and Apache POI that is an open source library to read and write excel files.


  • What is an Automation Framework?
  • Properties of Automation Framework.
  • Types of Automation Framework : Data Driven Test Framework, Keyword Driven Test Framework, Hybrid Test Framework.
  • Which Framework to Choose and When?
  • Introduction to Data Driven Testing using Apache POI.
  • Read/Write Data from/to Excel Sheet.

Hands On/Demo:

  • Reading/ Writing an Excel File.

Learning Objective: In this module, you will learn to write test cases by using Keyword and Hybrid Frameworks


  • Keyword Driven Test Framework.
  • How to Create the Framework?
  • Classes Required.
  • How Testcase Files look like?
  • Examples of Keyword Driven Framework.
  • Writing Test Cases using Keyword Driven Test Framework.
  • Hybrid Framework.
  • Writing Test Cases using Hybrid Framework.
  • How to Create the Framework?
  • Classes Required to be Created.
  • How Testcase Files Look Like?
  • Examples of Hybrid Framework.

Hands On/Demo:

  • Writing Test cases in Hybrid Framework.

Learning Objective: In this module, you will Learn about the third-party tools such as Jenkins, AutoIT, Sikuli and Maven. Jenkins is the leading open-source continuous integration tool. It is cross-platform and can be used on Windows, Linux etc. It supports software changes, multiple VMs, Plugins and has easy installation. AutoIt is a freeware scripting language and it is used to automate windows GUI. Files can be downloaded and uploaded easily using this tool. Sikuli can automate everything you see on the screen. It comes into play when there is no easy access to the GUIs internal or source code. It can automate both web and desktop applications. 


  • Maven.
  • Switch from Simple Java Project to Maven Project.
  • Maven for Builds and Sending Email reports.
  • Jenkins.
  • Selenium Integration with Jenkins.
  • AutoIT and its Features.
  • AutoIt Provides Support for: Keystrokes, Mouse Movement, Window Control.
  • Sikuli and its Features.
  • How Sikuli works.
  • Log4j - Logging tool.
  • Interaction with Selenium.
  • Interaction with Flash Applications.
  • Upload file AutoIt Script in Selenium WebDriver.

Hands On/Demo:

  • Maven.
  • Jenkins.
  • AutoIT.
  • Sikuli.
  • Log4j Usage.

Learning Objective: In this module, you will learn about headless browser support. Headless browsers are typically used when there is a central server in which browser is not installed but still, there is a potential need for sanity testing with the browser. Another instance can be when you would like to simulate multiple browser versions on the same machine - in this case too using headless browser is the solution. 


  • Headless Browser Testing using HtmlUnitDriver.
  • Headless Browser Testing using PhanthomJSDriver.

Hands On/Demo:

  • Opening a Browser (Headless).
  • Navigating Web Applications.
  • Get Page Information and Print on the Console.

Program Syllabus


You can also view the program syllabus by downloading this program Curriculum.

Course Description

Objectives Of Our Online PySpark Training Course
What are the objectives of our Selenium Certification Training?After completing this course, you will be able to:
  • Learn about Selenium and its evolution.
  • Understand Regression testing and Functional testing.
  • Set-up JAVA, Eclipse, and Selenium Environment and configure them.
  • List the components of Selenium such as Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver, and Selenium Grid.
  • Create Test Cases in Selenium WebDriver.
  • Discuss about Waits (Page Synchronization) and various other Selenium WebDriver functions.
  • Handle different controls on a Webpage.
  • Implement TestNG.
  • Describe Page Object Modelling.
  • Learn Parametrization and different frameworks.
  • Implement some of the Third-Party Tools such as Jenkins, AutoIT, Sikuli and Maven.

Course Certification

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Weekend Class : 10 sessions of 3 hours each.

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